Some entrepreneurs are already taking steps to protect themselves.
Inevitably, 20th-century entrepreneurs would take note of such heavy attendance.
Many of the services that entrepreneurs even in neighboring African countries take for granted simply do not exist here.
But the success story might never have happened if the entrepreneur with the idea, Ivan, had taken the advice of his bank.
And why did the entrepreneurs take the deal they did in the Den?
Many successful entrepreneurs, of course, have never taken a business course in their lives.
"But many entrepreneurs I see often take this approach: ready, fire, aim - and don't think through the legal implications," he said.
"It looked like one entrepreneur was taking business away from another."
Thus, the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship should take center stage in any effort to explain long-term economic development.
However, if an entrepreneur or employee takes money out of a company, then this should be taxed in the normal way.