"For entrepreneurs looking to start or expand a business, one of the most important things they need is financing," said Rep. Coffman.
Business brokers and small-business consultants report an increase in the number of entrepreneurs looking to buy a small business this year.
She said: "Hong Kong is an excellent choice of location for entrepreneurs looking to go it alone.
Every dollar taken from the financial markets, in the form of taxes or borrowing, results in less money being available to entrepreneurs looking to hire Hoosier workers.
"I'm more of an entrepreneur looking for interesting business ideas," he said.
Linda Branagan would seem to be the ideal customer for entrepreneurs and telecommunications companies looking to make money selling wireless Internet connections.
He says entrepreneurs looking to expand into new regions often find part-time office space appealing.
I'd have more respect for him if he would just admit that that he was an entrepreneur looking for a heartless way to make money.
Here are his top tips for fellow aspiring entrepreneurs looking to take their own products to market.
I'm an American entrepreneur looking for some investment opportunities.