Kate Griggs is a British social entrepreneur best known for her work in the field of dyslexia.
Tom Szaky (born 1982) is an entrepreneur, known for starting TerraCycle, a company that makes consumer products from waste.
Steve Alcorn (born 1956) is an American entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, author and teacher best known for his involvement in the theme park industry.
Ahmed is an entrepreneur known for turning companies around.
Mark Hazodo is a videogame entrepreneur known for his excessive thrill seeking.
A wealthy entrepreneur, known here for helping to beautify the town, has been arrested for spray-painting a real-estate sign near his house.
Female entrepreneurs, also known as women entrepreneurs, encompass approximately 1/3 of all entrepreneurs worldwide.
Sasha Cagen is an American writer, editor, and entrepreneur best known for starting the quirkyalone movement.
Maxine's brother, Mark Birley (1930-2007), became an entrepreneur known for his investments in the hospitality industry.
Last month John Gotts, an entrepreneur known for buying the rights to domain names, agreed to buy the site Wiki.com for $2.86 million.