For example, most public entities provide information about their programs, activities, and services upon request.
Both entities provide policy recommendations to the president, the secretary of state and US Congress.
Many private entities provide preservation and conservation services and supplies.
For other activities, such as where the public entity provides information to anyone who requests it, the "essential eligibility requirements" would be minimal.
A supreme entity either knows the future or provides it, and sends warnings our way.
The entities then issue asset-backed securities to investors and provide businesses with access to new capital, often at a lower cost than is available elsewhere.
"The insurance company won't provide coverage unless the entity provides a waiver of liability" to participants, he said.
Where available, also provides limited analysis to the entities.
For instance, the entity might provide the examination at an individual's home with a proctor.
An entity shall provide sufficient information to permit reconciliation to the line items presented in the balance sheet".