He didn't want to kill the entity possessing such an aura!
"The Apparatus has reason to suspect that this entity possessed certain critical information."
But with any luck, it would also kill whatever entity possessed Weyoun, ending this here and now.
This classic social entity possesses the characteristics of primarily Brahmins.
Had this entity possessed an aura to match her electrical power, Melody would never have been able to transfer to it.
The Achuar believe that entities possessing human souls have the ability to communicate through language and signs.
A well known local holding entity possessing numerous companies in various fields of business activities in Yemen.
A mysterious entity, Imaginator possesses humans and uses them to create the world it desires.
Despite the multi-sharing, each entity possesses its own set of facilities, marked by certain perimeters.
Rhodan had a fairly accurate comprehension of the powers which the unknown entity possessed.