However, they are illegal in the United States, where no employer, university, or other entity may create a set number required for each race.
(If some entity created us, it wouldn't necessarily want to stick around and take credit.)
In 1868, the 96th deployed to British India, an entity only created ten years before.
These different entities may create sub-funds each with a different investment policy.
A new entity, the Prince Edward Foundation, created a series of private schools to educate the county's white children.
Reinsurance assumes that the insurance-risk-transferring entities do not create inefficiencies when they shift insurance risks to providers.
The Universe enables intelligence because intelligent entities later create new biophilic universes.
Yet small entities create the lion's share of new jobs.
Many entities create records, including government, businesses, universities, and personal collections of individuals.
A new administrative entity named monthon (circle) was created, each supervising several provinces.