Rather than entirely supplanting Yugi's personality, as he had before, there was a degree of interplay between the two, wherein Yugi was aware of his surroundings and the events of the game, but his other self would be the one calling the shots.
The Sabin vaccine, which is taken orally, eventually entirely supplanted the Salk vaccine in the United States, and a sharp rivalry persisted between the two scientists throughout their lives.
They should not entirely supplant from political discourse and practical consideration the separate question of restrictions on the use (as distinct from possession) of nuclear weapons.
As in painting, Renaissance architecture took some time to reach the Netherlands and did not entirely supplant the Gothic elements.
She believes that co-operation would entirely supplant competition; I hold that competition in one form or another will always exist, and that it is highly desirable it should.
Government Obligation Cited He made clear that he did not believe private money could entirely supplant Government support for the arts in Britain.
I'm suspicious of full-replacement programs-that is, pronouncements that one way of doing something will entirely supplant another, and that in fact we have to hurry the replacement along.
Paid circulation is declining in most countries, and advertising revenue, which makes up the bulk of a newspaper's income, is shifting from print to online; some commentators, nevertheless, point out that historically new media such as radio and television did not entirely supplant existing.
This is not a case of one strategy entirely supplanting another.
Synthetics and animal products have either overshad- owed or entirely supplanted it in most places for centu- ries.