Before the war this had been entirely subordinate to sheep, producing only hay and roots and a very small amount of grain.
A soul-body relationship, according to Ramanujacharya, is "entirely subordinate" to its soul, having no independent reality or value.
Such considerations are entirely subordinate, as I see it, to making certain our land is delivered from the usurper of your throne.
Your role is to be entirely subordinate to the state's investigation, and to cooperate fully when called upon.
The fact of their own consummate being made everything else so entirely subordinate that they were free.
The entities that formed the Republic lost their freedom, independence and sovereignty, becoming entirely subordinate to the central government.
And whilst in a formal sense local authorities are entirely subordinate to Parliament, in practice working relationships are tremendously diverse.
Saint-Simon's own part appears to have been entirely subordinate.
Provinces had no autonomy and were entirely subordinate to the national government.
Morality is entirely subordinate to the interests of class war.