I entirely reject it because I want to be able to help my constituents to achieve their natural and legitimate aspirations.
I do not entirely reject the Commander's logic.
It was something every artist had to either embrace and elaborate on, or to reject entirely.
Some rejected entirely any talk of self-government or treating the Ukrainians as an oppressed people.
A bill is first considered in a subcommittee, where it may be accepted, amended, or rejected entirely.
The overt pronoun analysis entirely rejects the notion that ellipsis is involved.
We would entirely reject those amendments which are seeking to inhibit the use of those public interest exceptions.
In particular, we need to entirely reject the European tax that is looming, which would further increase our compulsory contributions, either straight away or later on.
Nevertheless, there are 28 which we reject entirely.
So, I reject entirely that suggestion that there is disinterest.