In both cases, they say, Mr. Romero was not entirely forthcoming even after those controversies came to light.
I have not been entirely forthcoming with you in this respect.
He had not been entirely forthcoming with his students: the trivision article was not to focus on the class, but on its teacher.
Anthrax represents a real, if statistically minimal, threat, and public officials have not been entirely forthcoming, as many postal workers can tell you.
I do not trust that they have been entirely forthcoming.
But why expect those people to be entirely forthcoming in such a situation?
Unfortunately, that story has now changed, and Microsoft isn't being entirely forthcoming about it.
All he was truly guilty of was not being entirely forthcoming.
Commander Pierce had not been entirely forthcoming at the debriefing.
"Lady Merisel," he said mildly, "wasn't entirely forthcoming in her histories, was she?"