This tiny sliver of land is a mere 500km long and 50km wide, and, with the exception of an 80km shoreline, it's entirely enveloped by Senegal.
Being entirely enveloped by the flame, as though the fire proceeded from a fountain showering fire over it, it nevertheless remained whole without being consumed, as if it were taking the fire for its own fuel.
Sailing down towards the anchored vessels, running before the wind, were three ships almost entirely enveloped in smoke: the Grand Caymanfireships !
The 4 "moon rocks" weigh about 0.05 grams total and are entirely enveloped in a clear plastic ball the size of a coin which is mounted to an approximately one foot square wooden display board on a small podium pedestal.
The four fragments weighed about 0.05 grams total and were entirely enveloped in a clear plastic ball the size of a coin, mounted on a wooden board approximately one foot square on a small podium pedestal display.
The illumination grew brighter and brighter, the roaring louder, I experienced a rocking sensation and then felt myself slipping out of my body, entirely enveloped in a halo of light.
Merritt and Crook had also broken up Anderson by this time, but he himself, and about two thousand disorganized men escaped by making their way through the woods toward the Appomattox River before they could be entirely enveloped.
For a concise moment the nature of Pe-lung's reflection was clouded in ambiguity, though the fact that he became entirely enveloped in a dense purple vapour indicated feelings of more than usual vigour.
Looking out the window, she saw that they were entirely enveloped in clouds.
The ring was then enveloped entirely by blue light during the length of the match.