But Octoo did even more for the lively youth, who found that her charms entirely eclipsed those of the bicycle which had been his heart's delight before.
And I could not let the emotion of my uncle's departure entirely eclipse my feeling that he wished to avoid my seeking out Perceval Bloathwait, a man who had made himself my father's great enemy.
Amy's dainty pen-and-ink work entirely eclipsed May's painted vases - mdash; that was one thorn.
The attacks took place just three days after the conference ended, entirely eclipsing it in the news, and significantly affecting international relations and politics.
On "Star Trek," the interpersonal strains on the U.S.S. Enterprise were pushed aside whenever a new planet came into view; on "The Sopranos," the family melodrama never entirely eclipses the family business.
Since the day of Harry's death she had paid for her sense of independence and freedom from Richland with a profound feeling of loneliness which nothing could eclipse entirely.
Sam Neill plays the lecherous, scheming Komarovsky with panache, but he cannot entirely eclipse memories of Rod Steiger.
She had presence that entirely eclipsed her appearance.
Yet this is a glorious score, which no number of unwelcome distractions could entirely eclipse.
Inbal's Frankfurt performance is magnificent, entirely eclipsing the ill-played and ill-recorded Rozhdestvensky performance on Le Chant du Monde.