The opening title sequence featured a flight through an entirely computer-generated Gotham City.
The dryads were entirely computer-generated, whereas in the first film digital petals had been composited over actors.
Orci hinted the majority of the Decepticons were entirely computer-generated in both robot and alternate modes, making it easier to write additional scenes for them in post-production.
In an almost Star Wars fashion, the video features an entirely computer-generated world filled with aliens of varying quality.
The feature, which was never completed, was a 90-minute feature that was to be the first entirely computer-generated CGI movie.
"We're getting much better at making entirely computer-generated environments," Morrison explained, "but there is no substitute for starting with a real image and adding what you need."
One variant, a "Darwinian poetry" site, allows users to compare two samples of entirely computer-generated poetry using a Condorcet method.
The Creature Shop working with Visual Effects Supervisor Julian Parry also created an entirely computer-generated character.
From that point until 2008, the character became entirely computer-generated; however, other characters, such as the children, remained live-action.
In 1988, Tin Toy was the first entirely computer-generated movie to win an Academy Award (Best Animated Short Film).