Despite the narcotic, the scientist's anxiety did not abate entirely.
But since my father left, there has been a void in my life that even the most potent equilibrium magic does not entirely abate.
Still the fear that pervades so many of the city's neighborhoods has not entirely abated, nor has the sense that too much inquiry is a dangerous thing.
But never does our repugnance entirely abate.
She saw early on the chic of vintage denim from Japan and, around 2000, began studding jeans, setting off a trend that has not entirely abated.
Although his apprehensions about what lay ahead- particularly about what awaited him in the Adigeons' surgical facilities- hadn't entirely abated, they had at least receded somewhat.
For some people, uplift anxiety can run its course in a matter of weeks or months, clinicians say; for others it might take years - if it ever abates entirely.
The atmosphere of friendliness, amazement, and welling emotion had not entirely abated.
The feeling subsided but didn't abate entirely.
The horror of it never entirely abated.