For example, most camp sessions do not span the entire workday, so many parents, like Ms. Gonzalez, must rely on "patching," or having two or three different care arrangements throughout a day.
But if you slouch - and let your skeletal system support your body weight - you can go the entire workday without firing up your metabolism.
With a dosimeter, the microphone is generally located on the shoulder and remains in that position for the entire workday.
Employees on pre-approved leave for the entire workday or employees who requested unscheduled leave should be charged leave for the entire day.
In the workplace it is required that a worker shows up on time and works continuously for the entire workday, which usually consists of eight hours.
Carpal tunnel syndrome began to get attention when hundreds of reporters and editors who spent almost their entire workday on a computer were suddenly afflicted.
Under virtualization, the experience was passable but not great; and besides, it felt too much like work (I spend my entire workday on this machine).
When 4:45 came around and the red light on the wall in my office flared on, I found myself becoming alarmed that almost an entire workday had passed with no news about Diane.
Both groups sat in front of their equipment the entire workday.
With the industrial revolution, more people wanted neckwear that was easy to put on, comfortable and would last an entire workday.