Clear-cutting, in which an entire swath of trees is leveled, cleared and burned, would end.
One entire swath of the battlefield flooded with a sudden golden radiance.
And not just a few lines to move the plot along, but entire swaths.
They are encouraged by work in Germany, where entire swaths of forest have been restored.
She has changed the political dynamics of an entire swath of New York.
The week's biggest quandary was whether to exclude entire swaths of Manhattan.
With all the growth, entire swaths of the globe remain untouched, usually markets, like most of Africa, that are widely held to be too small.
Also, the title bar obscures an entire swath of the top of the frame, and this can't be moved.
In some villages, entire swaths of farmland have been cleared of males.
The entire 25-mile-wide swath of Pennsylvania between Routes 78 and 80 is feeling the pressure of discovery.