Jasso is the only named character in the entire strip.
He said the landlord, who owns the entire strip of stores and carried insurance, had already promised to rebuild.
But reading this volume now, I suddenly got the grand, terrible flip of the entire strip: Calvin is, almost all the time, alone.
The area is so compact that children selling roses to couples on the town work the entire strip, end to end.
After the entire strip is hung and smoothed, roll the edges with a seam roller.
The town is also well known for an entire strip of bulalo (bone marrow soup)restaurants.
When finished, press the entire strip with a laminate roller or a rolling pin.
She'd heard that Morrow had tried to buy the house so that he could own the entire strip of land.
Both parents go through the entire strip without names.
The entire strip of earth between the fence and the bunkhouse suddenly lifted ten feet into the air.