At a recent book fair sponsored by the Portuguese Embassy here, the entire shipment of 3,000 books was sold in three hours.
Upon its release in the United States, it sold its entire shipment of one million units within weeks.
But that was only because they sold the entire shipment to the boss just next the spaceport, and disappeared.
When the plane made another stop in Budapest, the authorities seized the entire shipment.
He is in an awkward position, having had an entire shipment of narcotics stolen by Omar.
A few black spots on as little as one piece of fruit can cause the entire shipment to be rejected.
In such cases the entire shipment is returned.
You know, the fire that destroyed the entire shipment due to our inattentiveness and neglect?
Meanwhile, plotting to steal the entire shipment, the bandidos return and attempt to take the gold.
But only one Form Twelve for the entire shipment.