They had this entire set-up.
The Shadow saw the entire set-up.
But the entire set-up is too garish to be credible.
That makes three of us against the entire set-up.
The entire set-up is admirable, a credit to the American way of life.
For primitivists, revolutionary activity questions, challenges, and works to dismantle the entire set-up or paradigm of civilization.
He knew exactly what she was thinking and counted on her overconfidence to reveal the entire set-up later on to him.
The entire set-up was taken specifically, directly, and consciously from the Directrix.
These latter were sworn to secrecy, commissioned in the United States army, and allowed to know the real significance of the entire set-up.
The entire set-up was under six feet tall, and the coolie-hat cones were no more than eighteen inches in diameter.