About $20 buys the entire rig.
The front grille is heavy-duty metal and lends the entire rig a very military personality; it looks like an efficient machine from the outset.
The well blew wild, caught fire, and destroyed the entire rig.
The entire rig, which supports sails with unlimited area, is currently controlled by three trapezing crew members.
The only catch is that the angler must suppress the instinct to set the hook, or else the entire rig pulls free.
The entire rig took less than half an hour to assemble.
A person could slip in or out without needing to raise the entire rig.
Finally he had the entire rig set up and stood up, groaning as his bad knee protested.
And since all these components are miniaturized, the entire rig is kept to surprisingly modest dimensions.
In fact, the entire massive rig was like a ghost city this morning.