For seven days, Prague and the entire republic have been living through great drama.
The population of the entire republic comprises 158,900 people.
Serbian nationalist leaders called for the partitioning of Sarajevo as the starting point for the division of the entire republic.
Note that no one company serves the entire republic and therefore may require transferring over long distances.
This plan would divide the entire republic into fifty or sixty city- or county-level administrations, similar to the system in Japan.
The importance of the town is derived from its geographical location as a northern gate and railway hub for the entire republic.
As in many wars, independent efforts to estimate casualties are fraught with difficulties, beginning with the fact that almost the entire republic is at war.
"We have military formations, and the entire republic is being put on a military footing."
It is the official cultural deposit for the entire republic.
This Gulliver is stretched across virtually the entire republic of Croatia.