For the last eight years this parlor has given an annual amateur theatrical performance, the entire proceeds being donated to the Homeless Children Fund.
Without this annual gift-tax filing, the tax could ultimately be levied on the entire proceeds of the policy.
The Winter Antiques Show is the only one whose entire proceeds go to its charity, rather than to the organizers.
Once we canvassed all the players and the union, we knew the right thing to do was give the entire proceeds to charity.
Terry gave Fran the entire proceeds of Sue's life insurance policy allowing her to move far away.
Due to the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, the entire proceeds were donated to Oxfam.
He immediately ordered the entire proceeds of the sale of the consignment of silk to be distributed to the poor.
Why not dedicate the entire proceeds of this tax to environmental projects?
Christie's is trumpeting a sale whose entire proceeds will to charity.
If you don't invest the entire proceeds from the sale of the old shop into a new shop, you can't roll-over the whole gain.