The fund first bought shares in September 2000, and its average cost for the entire position has been $39.46.
The managers paid $12.50, on average, for the entire position; the stock is now at $14.88.
This entire position was a trap, and he'd walked right into it!
He paid $9 a share, on average, for the entire position; the shares now trade at $20.80.
They paid an average of $22.64 a share for the entire position.
"I've been thinking about our entire position with the Soviets."
He paid $77.15, on average, for the entire position; they now trade at $85.
By the third week it would be the entire top 12 positions.
He paid 378.63 yen a share, on average, for the entire position.
They have paid $26.46, on average, for the entire position.