In response, Söze surprised them by killing his own wife and remaining children, then massacred the entire mob.
Within moments, the entire struggling mob had lapsed into unconsciousness.
A single Skin carried enough ammunition to stop an entire mob dead in the street.
Seconds later, with a roar, the entire mob of Malwa soldiers was pounding in pursuit.
The entire mob - more than a dozen men - was equipped with the new type of small-arms.
The entire mob was moving toward the edge of the platform.
One man couldn't have stood up against an entire mob, let alone account for all the thugs who had fallen in the fray.
His voice was startlingly loud, enough so that an instant silence fell over the entire mob of soldiers.
Soon the entire mob was gathered beside the hedge.
He was part of an entire mob, and we won't stop the agitation until all 30 are indicted.