Repetition is also prevalent with the orchestra first introducing the entire melody, and Armide echoing its sentiment.
The siku players use an hocket-like interlocking technique to play the entire melody.
Notes, or even entire melodies, can be dropped, and Mr. Sanger's guitar can end up sounding like a trumpet.
Mockingbirds have repertoires that change, but not entire melodies.
Three months later, before she could even speak, she had picked out by herself the entire melody of the National Anthem.
It was possible to play entire melodies with no more than the hammer!
As each siku cannot play all the notes of a scale, the siku players use an interlocking technique to play the entire melody.
"Though an entire melody may be repeated either as the subject of a canon or variation, this is actually closer to what one finds throughout the history of Western music".
Each key on the tabletop keyboard can be programmed to play an entire melody by itself.
The entire 126-note melody is then fitted with a duration scheme derived from the retrograde of the fifth of the twelve "rhythm families" previously devised for Himmelfahrt.