As with his Legrand album, he sings the entire lyric for each song.
Do not include the song's entire lyrics or embed the song's music video in the article unless you are certain they are in the public domain.
The Source ignored the injunction and went forth to publish the entire lyrics on its website and in its magazine.
An initial idea was to have the entire lyrics on panels, however this was scrapped for practical reasons.
Rich and Friedman ultimately rewrote the entire lyric except for the title.
Hatten är din - an Internet viral video where the entire lyrics of a song were "translated" soramimically.
Usually by this point, someone will have cut & pasted the entire lyrics of Imagine or Working Class Hero into the thread.
The best thing is that they know the entire lyrics.
The entire lyrics are "Think of salad days, they were folly and fun, they were good, they were young."
Later, the entire lyric would be modified (clearly based on the original).