Except for the pitcher's mound, the entire infield uses artificial turf, while the outfield is natural grass.
The entire infield was bathed in swirling smoke.
The entire infield ran through drills regarding rundown plays, scenes that have in games this season produced some of the club's most inept moments.
The entire infield was removed and replaced, and new sod was installed after a series of concerts by the Rolling Stones last November.
After that, Valentine essentially conceded the blowout, replacing the entire infield.
On the heels of this achievement, Hogan reportedly "lost his entire infield", when several players moved on to more established minor league and major league teams.
In one game, the entire infield was less than six feet tall.
"We have an entire infield," Sandberg said with a laugh.
In case of inclement weather, California has a tarp to cover entire infield, allowing the team to restart play as quickly as possible.
The entire infield is intact, and all the outfielders with the exception of Chad Curtis are returning.