The entire figure is approximately 90 meters long, measured from the front to the rear hoof.
The entire figure was translucent, like an image from the city's guide or teacher projectors.
The body of the little man was more than proportionately broad, giving to his entire figure a rotundity highly absurd.
The entire figure was black, standing out sharply against the clear blue sky.
He noticed finally that her entire figure was about to leave him, just as her attention already had some time before.
As Hunter watched from his chair, the entire figure smoothly became one large robot.
If details of a face or body were present, they would stop the eye and the entire figure could not embody one emotion or movement.
The entire figure was insubstantial; dimly, through it, the landscape showed.
The lines crisscrossed the entire figure, and I was curious as to how she could be so definite about them if they were mostly imaginary.
The entire figure is then repeated on the other foot over the original tracing.