"Because there sit the guts of the only two replicators in this entire dorm."
Suddenly, the lights of the entire dorm began to simultaneously flash on and off like a weird beacon.
It would be very easy where it is available for an entire dorm to share a couple connections.
Needless to say it was INCREDIBLY loud, and everyone in the entire dorm heard it (three floors, two six person dorm on each floor).
Highlights of ARC Christmas include sharing information about winter holidays and traditions of various religions, holiday gift bags for the entire dorm donated by alumni, and one of ARC's former directors, Dr. Murray Arndt, English Emeritus, reading stories and poetry to everyone present.
The noise was so deafening that their entire dorm jumped out of bed and rushed to see if Myron and Win had survived the wrath of whatever gigantic meteorite had fallen through the roof.
And 1 told the entire dorm where my marks are, so they know it's no good putting on me to find out where I've hid 'em.
Space in the dorms has historically been plentiful, with single-occupancy rooms often available and one entire dorm devoted to faculty offices through the mid-1990s.
The show also keeps the childish wonder and the ensuing hilarity that Donald Glover's Troy brings to it with a subplot in which he and Abed create a blanket-fort city that takes over an entire dorm.