It is also used for bonding wiring and ribbons as well as entire chips to microcircuits.
The processor consists of different clock domains, meaning that the entire chip does not operate the same clock speed.
Well, for punishment I'm going to require you to watch this entire chip.
HTHs also could disable, derange or destroy the entire chip or components of it.
Software that is suitable for torture testing should typically run instructions that utilise the entire chip rather than only a few of its units.
Because of these complications, when the entire chip was finished and tested, speeds achieved only 2 MHz.
Flash memory uses in-circuit wiring to apply the electric field either to the entire chip or to predetermined sections known as blocks.
In a large microprocessor, the power used to drive the clock signal can be over 30% of the total power used by the entire chip.
The only problem with this chip is that the battery is internal, which means the entire chip must be replaced when its battery runs out.
The entire chip does not have to be completely erased to change a specific portion of it.