In January 2011 during the extension of the show, lead producers Jean Doumanian and Sonia Friedman announced that The Mountaintop recouped its entire capitalization of $3.1 million.
Even though it found a core downtown audience, it lost its entire capitalization of $1.8 million.
Wolfe pushed forward alone, with the New York Shakespeare Festival as sole producer, paying the entire $5 million capitalization.
Sometimes the entire capitalization was sold out, and the promoters put the money in their pockets.
The subsidiary then sold $500,000 in stock - most of its entire capitalization - to investors.
The commercial producers are putting up the entire capitalization of each show: $1.3 million for "Proof" and $1.6 million for "Allergist's Wife."
The entire $7.2 million capitalization was provided by an investor who chose to remain anonymous, saying he was afraid of being inundated with other scripts.
It has been a bad week for Ms. Johnson, who lost the entire $2 million capitalization on "Bobbi Boland."
Despite critical praise, the revival failed to find an audience and closed on April 4, 2010 (after 21 previews and 38 regular performances), with the entire $2,600,000 capitalization in the project being lost.
In 1956, Lieberson persuaded CBS to put up the entire capitalization for Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady.