The bait: Food retailers visiting the offices could see the company's entire breadth of food lines.
This time, Singledon's face emerged with anger written across its entire breadth.
After the failure of the 1982 summer offensives, Iran believed that a major effort along the entire breadth of the front would yield the victory.
The school building occupies the entire breadth of York Avenue between 77th and 78th Street.
One of its purposes is to give Israelis a way to experience the entire breadth of the land firsthand.
The Sulduskoon was Tethyr's largest river, stretching nearly the entire breadth of the country.
These rendezvous spanned the entire breadth of the continental United States.
Route 213 is famous for allowing a traveler to cross the entire breadth of the city of Methuen in 120 seconds.
In the opening act, the arch explodes out of a flight case and in 20 seconds swells to its entire breadth.
I crossed the entire breadth of Alagaësia with that staff.