The entire airframe was to be coated against corrosion.
Not without a complete redesign of the entire airframe and power plant.
Under extreme conditions, the initial shock can cause violent oscillations that quickly build and result in catastrophic damage of the entire airframe.
Type N: The entire airframe was left in its original natural metal.
The entire airframe was welded together, not bolted or riveted.
Apart from the skids, the entire airframe was built of spruce, and was covered with Continental brand rubberised fabric.
Thus, the composite would have the advantage of being able to monitor the entire airframe.
This involves finding drawings of full-sized aircraft and scaling these down, or even designing the entire airframe from scratch.
Expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) came to be used more recently for the construction of the entire airframe.
The entire airframe had been modified and strengthened, and each wing had two hard points for attaching various weapons stores.