The official use of the language followed years of campaigning, while the Welsh-speaking minister representing the entire UK added to a sense of history.
The band toured the entire UK, France and the Netherlands between Thursdays.
Such a line would open up the entire UK.
For the first time, the Shakespeare Schools Festival is held across the entire UK between the 5-9 February 2007.
Italians and British born people of Italian descent reside across the entire UK.
It was only in 1969 that cumulative totals for the entire UK were kept and although at their lowest then, they quickly rose.
A week later, however, Jamie cancelled the entire UK and European tours.
Yet Sandbanks is the most expensive post code in the entire UK!
They group serves the entire UK with the Higginson's frequently travelling to investigate paranormal claims.
She demanded strong representation for Scotland, suggesting that 24 seats for the entire UK were insufficient.