(and we get a glimpse of what an interesting and enthusiastic teacher he must be).
DT can come across as dry if it doesn't have enthusiastic teachers with direct experience of how it's used in the workplace.
Students who experienced a very enthusiastic teacher were more likely to read lecture material outside of the classroom.
An enthusiastic teacher has the ability to be very influential in the young students life.
Through the events, Djurdjevic garnered attention as a generous, and enthusiastic teacher.
The opportunity to work with enthusiastic teachers from different school situations was indeed most supportive.
An enthusiastic teacher, he helped coach Canada's Olympic team in 1932.
An enthusiastic and able teacher, he continued to lecture after his retirement in 1971.
I went on a fantastic 2 day baking course with Tom which was so much fun, he's an excellent teacher, inspiring, enthusiastic, and funny.
Although an enthusiastic teacher, he was most interested in research in the laboratory.