Some of the most enthusiastic believers in earthquake engineering can be found in Malaysia.
Conan Doyle was actually an enthusiastic believer in parapsychology, especially in hís later years.
Spotted Elk and the Lakota became among the most enthusiastic believers in the Ghost Dance ceremony when it arrived among them in the spring of 1890.
Ramsay Macdonald, a committed internationalist and pacifist, was an enthusiastic believer that the League of Nations could make the world disarm through dialogue.
Many of the researchers here came away from the conference enthusiastic believers in the power of cooperation.
He has always been an enthusiastic believer in Seattle's destiny as the metropolis of the great northwest, and upon every occasion has done his share to promote the city's good.
He's an avowed vegan and a self-described libertarian who's also an enthusiastic believer in music therapy.
He emphasizes that their "cold readings" of enthusiastic believers seeking solace are questionable on many levels.
My friend and literary agent Morton L. Janklow has been an enthusiastic believer in the book all along.
He returned to Iraq an enthusiastic believer and rose to director general in the Ministry of Industry.