David Geffen, the entertainment mogul, has also expressed interest in The Times.
The talk-show host and entertainment mogul never gave any explanation for his decision.
Other entertainment moguls may be quietly gloating over the music business's digital quandaries.
He is 6 feet, 1 inch tall, weighs 220 pounds and looks like an entertainment mogul dressed in golf clothes.
Film is a natural avenue for an entertainment mogul to follow, and he has done so before.
"I'm sure it's been a very difficult time for her," said David Geffen, an entertainment mogul who is a friend of the couple.
The ranking old beau (Barry Diller) is an entertainment mogul.
It has been lent by David Geffen, the entertainment mogul.
But what the 1980's entertainment moguls want from 1960's music is something more than recognizable tunes and upbeat messages.
Bludgeon the entertainment moguls who promote filthy lyrics and mass mayhem for profit.