Groomed from early childhood to be an ingratiating human entertainment machine, she has a reasonably good voice and endless stamina.
But if you look at the next generation of video game systems, they're really becoming interactive entertainment machines.
We're all part of this entertainment machine.
This entertainment machine, one of the five largest-grossing restaurants in the country, sits eerily idle.
One is a kind of entertainment machine set to dazzle, Hindi cinema with a crush on high-tech.
The movies are only the engine of Spielberg's entertainment machine.
It's having the whole entertainment machine supporting the product.
The pressure to make films exportable further degrades them into entertainment machines.
He envisioned him as an entertainment machine, pumping out three films and soundtracks a year, until the end of the decade.
What literary writers like about Leonard is, presumably, the same thing everyone else does: his books are almost ruthlessly efficient entertainment machines.