The colorful and entertaining presentation was designed to provide young and "adult" children with the means to understand the significance of the Hebrew alphabet.
It has become a tradition for the Jingshan students to give an entertaining presentation on their culture to the school shortly before returning to their country.
The tour guides toss a grenade, fire a cannon and mold a musket ball in their entertaining half-hour presentation.
The Sophisticat Flag Corps blends traditional flag techniques with innovative choreography to create highly entertaining presentation.
One who has a knack for dramatic or entertaining presentation.
Unlike similar films of this subject matter The Body gives an entertaining presentation of the human anatomy, and avoids monotone narration.
A planetarium is a theater built to show educational and entertaining presentations about astronomy and the night sky.
There is the new Macintosh that can now play movies and music as well as display text, and combine the different media in educational and entertaining presentations.
Clear and entertaining presentation.
To some extent this view has validity because Gedge is forced to sacrifice scholarly scruples in favor of a more entertaining presentation.