They make for an entertaining diversion from real life.
As they proliferated, comics were generally considered a harmless, entertaining diversion.
I did quite enjoy the piece, though; certainly an entertaining little diversion.
The test itself hadn't been more than an entertaining diversion, but as he went along, he saw something in the humans, in particular, their leader.
Given how uneventful his duties had been of late, he figured such exploration might prove to be an entertaining diversion, if nothing else.
This in turn led to recognition of the game as a vehicle for ideas instead of simply an entertaining diversion.
Here was a vivid evocation of a period in which the theater was supposed to "mean something," to be more than just an entertaining diversion.
The baby was walking now and talking a bit, proving to be the only entertaining diversion.
Yes, you've certainly been providing some entertaining diversion.
Your presence will make a most entertaining diversion during this bleak season.