The Lewises say that as 1997 nears, they expect prices to go even higher, and then they will entertain bids.
It will be very difficult to match the American Home bid through cost-cutting and restructuring, so you have to go on to entertain competing bids.
It said it would then entertain bids for just the company's tobacco business, which produces such brands as Camel and Winston cigarettes.
Ultimately the Defense Department covers these costs when it entertains bids for new weapons systems.
"The rivalry between these identity firms is fierce," said one executive who entertained bids from several of the consultants for a recent corporate name change.
It would also entertain bids for the entire portfolio.
The government in one Australian state has said that it will no longer entertain French bids on a $9 billion water privatization project.
Under bankruptcy law, however, the court must entertain competing bids.
Executives at Hearst, which announced this fall that it would entertain bids for its book divisions, refused to comment, as they always do.
However, the door was opened, and the board decided it had to entertain other bids at that point.