For many enterprising farmers this was an additional stimulus to emigrate.
Some enterprising farmers also grow medicinal plants, coffee and cocoa (promoted by cadburys).
However, some enterprising farmers have managed to have a third crop squeezed to increase their yield.
During Prohibition years, three enterprising farmers built and open air dance floor.
About 10 years ago, enterprising farmers started raising yuzu, some perhaps illicitly, to fulfill a demand from chefs.
Only in the early 21st century have some enterprising farmers from the Saarland area started experimenting with winegrowing again.
Leaping from success to success, enterprising farmers here have turned a thriving agricultural cooperative into a blossoming business venture.
Arable land like this could well tempt an enterprising farmer out into the possible perils of the Pelagirs.
One enterprising farmer had fashioned a microhydro plant that furnished electricity to his own family and five neighbors.
We need more market orientation, primarily so that enterprising farmers and processing businesses can take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.