Over 15,000 enterprises operate in the city, most of them in the tertiary sector.
The enterprise also operates a retail store in Toronto that features its products and services.
The enterprise operates as a link for farmers being currently active throughout the entire Netherlands.
To delegate responsibilities to aides may be the proper way of doing business, and it is how many successful enterprises operate.
Under the plan, local enterprises would operate by contract, initially competing for state business, increasingly trading with one another independently on a wholesale level.
Outside of major cities, commercial enterprises still operate largely on a cash basis and travelers should plan accordingly.
From the beginning of next year, enterprises producing 60 percent of our industrial output will be operating on this basis.
The few foreign enterprises remaining would operate strictly according to Mexican law.
As someone once said, in my opinion quite rightly, these enterprises operate with capital but not for capital.
If the new enterprise operates in the same industry, however, an employee may risk serious legal problems.