He coined the catchy Scrabble label, but the little enterprise still lost money, producing a few dozen sets a week.
If changes are not made as a result of these surveys then such enterprises may lose credibility and be seen as a diversionary tactic.
The enterprise did not prove to be profitable and lost approximately $45,000 per year.
Unfettered "free enterprise," so sacred a thing at home, had lost its attraction for most of them.
The criminal enterprises that begot the gangs, like gambling and heroin, had lost their economic life.
But the committee was unable to get any policy decisions from the full cabinet, and their enterprise gradually lost its momentum.
But a value-subtracting enterprise loses money even if labour (and capital) are free.
About half of China's state-owned industrial enterprises lose money, while most of the rest break even and only a few earn profits.
I recognise that small- and medium-sized enterprises probably lost patience a long time ago with the lack of concrete measures aimed specifically at them.
One of the major problems we face is that small and medium-sized enterprises often lose sight of which tax regulations apply to them.