This enterprise did not expand much further, likely due to William's advancing age.
Since that time the enterprise expands massively.
Trade and enterprise have expanded beyond all reckoning.
And, as any successful enterprise will expand, there may soon be pressure to extend the premises, damaging the character of the place in the process.
He then earned enough profits to buy his own transport vehicles and his enterprise soon expanded into the transport sector.
His enterprises soon expanded beyond the borders of Jakobstad.
Private enterprise now accounts for half the economy and is expanding by 25% a year.
The enterprise progressively expanded into financial transactions, first with its retail clients then increasingly with commercial interests.
Private enterprise will expand nursing-home bed capacity when they are assured the regulatory and reimbursement climate in this state is not stifling.
Finally, successful city-based enterprises could expand at suburban locations where some pockets of biotech success already exist.