The Chilean government entered into talks to purchase two vessels similar to the Argentinian units, but did not see the purchase through.
Around 1899 the company entered into a provisional agreement with the British Electric Traction company for the latter to purchase the tramway.
Mr. Worrell subsequently entered into agreements with adjoining property owners to purchase three additional parcels totaling 121 acres, which have been added to the overall project.
In June 2002, Micromuse entered into an agreement to purchase rival firm RiverSoft for £43m.
Vinny Lingham spent time looking for a buyer and entered into brief talks with Jeremy Schoemaker to purchase the publication.
Somewhat reluctantly, she turned her steps homeward and, about a block from her apartment, entered a chandlers to purchase some candles.
In January 2009, Reinet entered into negotiations to purchase the private equity business of Lehman Brothers.
The M9 was launched on January 1, 2011, resulting in buyers lining up overnight to enter the stores to purchase the device.
In early 2000, Liggett Broadcasting entered into an agreement with Hanson Communications to purchase the three stations.
It also entered into an agreement to purchase a midstream rail and truck terminal in Mont Belvieu, Texas.