Other local and state governments occasionally enter into special contracts with security agencies to provide patrol services in public areas.
In 2010 Renova Group entered into an agreement to provide funding for Fort Ross.
In 1998, Sunset Valley entered into an inter-local agreement with the city of Austin to provide firefighting services.
Additionally, a number of yacht clubs enter into agreements with schools to provide dock space and practice facilities for the school teams year-round.
Instead, the English entered into an agreement with the fugitive Manipuri king to provide military assistance in exchange for land and trade privileges.
The issue of civil rights enters into any attempts to provide treatment.
Convinced that this was a great advance, Watt entered into partnerships to provide venture capital while he worked on the design.
Generally a person must enter into contracts to provide goods or services to another person in return for a reward to be trading.
Mr. Tallon said that in the future, the Assembly's sergeant-at-arms would check off members' names as they enter the chamber to provide an additional safeguard.
Some of these cells come from blood vessels that enter the tendon to provide direct blood flow to increase healing.