Salmon and sea trout enter throughout the year and may remain 10 months before spawning, during which time they do not feed.
They expected two or three cyclones to form in or enter the region throughout the season, below the average of four or five storms.
Clark placed in 38 of the 47 competitions he entered throughout his career; of these, 24 were first placements.
She started writing stories at a young age, entering local writing competitions throughout her childhood.
The school offers rolling admissions, so that children can enter the school throughout the year, as long as there is space available.
Truesdale entered the industry as a clerk for various railroads throughout the midwest United States.
Germany and the Soviet Union discussed entering into an economic deal throughout early 1939.
More battalions entered the fray throughout the offensive.
In 2006, the Chargers entered the postseason with a 14-2 record and home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
This has been the challenge religion faces upon entering the public sphere throughout all ages and cultures.