He was 33 credits short of graduating when he entered professional baseball.
Kouji entered baseball during high school and was scouted that way for the Ganma's army.
Even before entering professional baseball, Folkers was a highly touted athlete.
Murdoch would not enter baseball without some corporate enemies.
"He was a civil rights leader as well as an athlete, even before he entered baseball," she said.
He attended Concordia College and studied for the ministry before entering professional baseball.
Before entering baseball, Litwhiler graduated from college, unlike most major leaguers at the time.
More and more, some of us are entering baseball through a side door.
Players who use aluminum bats in Little League, high school and college face a difficult adjustment if they enter professional baseball.
All rookies entering baseball, basketball and football are tested on the theory that this will prevent players from bringing drug problems into their league.