The sarcophagi are of immense size, and the burial must have entailed enormous expense.
Speed limits, a better-designed crossroads, a new crossing and pavement would make the road safer for both pedestrians and drivers, and entail far less disruption and expense.
It would be nice to have separate laboratory facilities and personnel, but that would entail enormous expense that just didn't figure in the Bureau's budget.
Each of these options would have entailed considerable additional expense for Southwest, as well as missed connections and significant inconvenience for the flight's passengers.
But all this entails expense, and upon whom is this to fall?
"There have been some stunning successes with captive breeding, but it entails tremendous problems and expense and it is not always the wisest use of conservation dollars," Dr. Melnick said.
The publication of the Rudolphine tables of the celestial movements entailed much expense.
They prospered greatly from the services and goods required for the daimyō processions to and from Edo, entailing such expense that daimyō had to convert much of their domainal produce into cash.
In my opinion the inclusion of microchips and the frequent exchange of driving licences as proposed by Mr Grosch entails unnecessary expense.
It is still essential to make sure that the removal from the Maerlantd building is coordinated in order to avoid leaving the building unoccupied which would entail further expense.